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Exciting Preparation for your Lake of the Woods Adventure

Seems like we are always in a season of anticipation and preparation. It’s no different at Lake of the Woods. This north country is always busy preparing for the great upcoming events or seasons. Are you planning a trip to Lake of the Woods? Here’s where I would start. We have a great website, as you probably know,  found at There you will find great information from lodging, to fishing regulations to blogs. If you like to receive mail and catalogs, please let us know by emailing us at and we will send you a physical copy of our great Visitors Guide. You can also see a digital version on the website.

Preparations of snowmobile trails
Snowmobile Trails Preparations
Snowmobile Shelter Preparations
Snowmobile Shelter Preparations

Maps? Anyone love maps besides me?  I am an avid map reader myself and my preparations for a trip always include studying my map. Lake of the Woods Tourism has maps. Explore Minnesota furnishes Tourism with current Minnesota State maps. Available upon request.  Do your preparations include snowmobiling? As we speak, Lake of the Woods Drifters Club is already preparing the trails for the upcoming season. The Club puts out a great snowmobile map snowmobile map for Lake of the Woods County featuring the great Northern Connection trail. The Club hires a gentleman to take charge of preparing the trails and grooming the trails all season.

The Northwest Angle Snowmobile Club is called the Edge Riders and they produce a great map that features land trails and also trails all across Lake of the Woods. This map is extremely beneficial as it features depth of the lake so anglers that visit can also use this as a guide for open water fishing. map lake of the woods us canada snowmobile map nwa edge riders 2 1 An excellent edition to your map collection. You may also view these maps online as they are available on our website at through Navionics.

Are your preparations being made for deer hunting this weekend? Yes, deer stands have been prepped, hunters have orange blaze clothing ready to go, their guns are sighted in, ammunition is bought and those preparations are leading to Lake of the Woods. MN DNR has put out the deer hunting girl regulations and licenses and they are available at many locations in the area. Bring your ATV and contact us for an ATV map of the great Beltrami Forest Area. The beauty of the virgin pines throughout the forest make a great trip for sightseeing when you need a break from the deer stand.

Preparations are also being made by all of the resort community. As you know they had to make many preparations early in the season during this Covid time. Many businesses added on to their restaurant/lounges to accommodate visitors and their dining needs. Masks were bought, sanitizers were bought and cabins and lodge rooms were prepared by intense methods of sanitation. Currently the resort community is preparing for the upcoming ice fishing season. You might not think about this but owners are now preparing the fish houses by painted and upgrading their houses for travel onto the lake. Resort owners even provide fishing tackle to the houses, so they need to be prepared also.

ice fishing preparation
Preparation of Ice Houses

That brings us to preparation for the season of ice fishing. No one but the operators themselves know the amount of work it takes to build an ice road. Machinery has to be in tip top condition before taking on the huge endeavor. It’s that preparation time that is so important for making those ice roads like highways on the lake to be completely safe for the visitors that come each year to this marvelous fishery.

Other preparations are also being made behind the scenes. Organizations in Baudette are making preparations for the annual Frost Fest to be held on December 5th. They are busy bees trying to make this celebration very enjoyable for those attending. The season is very different this year and even the Women of Today went to extreme measures provide children with a safe Halloween experience.

Street departments will soon be working in preparation for the Christmas Season as they string lights and decorations. Churches are already preparing for services around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Preparation is always ongoing in whatever subject you care to speak about. Again, please seek out the information prepared on the Lake of the Woods website and/or order your maps for you upcoming visit. And thanks for your preparations to visit this great northland at Lake of the Woods.      email:

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