MTT. Minnesota Tournament Trail
NWT. National Walleye Tour
AIM. Angler’s Insight Marketing
Chili Bowl, Border View Lodge
Arnesen’s, Summer Tournament
River Bend Resort, Ladies tournament
Zippel Bay Resort, Northern Pike Tournament
To the west our trail system hooks up to the Roseau County groomed trails, as well as Kittson County groomed trails and on into North Dakota. To the south we hook up to Beltrami Island State Forest Trails, as well as hundreds of miles of logging trails.
Northwest Angle and Island areas are accessible from Lake of the Woods or the Can-Am Trail by snowmobile. To the east, the Northern Connection hooks up to the groomed Voyageur Trail West and Arrowhead Trail. Our area is unique by having Lake of the Woods and Rainy River, which both provide ample ice riding.
Some of the trails on this map are funded by the DNR through the Grant-in-Aid program using license fees and gas tax monies. The State of Minnesota, Lake of the Woods County, Koochiching County and private landowners are the people that make our trails possible. The trails on the map cross property of many private citizens, as well as lands which are administered by various levels of government. We owe the landowners our thanks and must respect their property.
In these parts, we get a lot of attention for the world class fishing. What we don’t receive a lot of attention for is our incredible snowmobiling and well groomed and well marked snowmobile trails.
In addition to local snowmobile clubs take great pride in opening and maintaining trails by grooming weekly, many make our snowmobiling so quality. Some of the trails on this map are funded by the DNR through the Grant-in-Aid program using license fees and gas tax monies. The State of Minnesota, Lake of the Woods County, Koochiching County, Roseau County and private landowners are the people that make our trails possible. Trails cross property of many private citizens, as well as lands which are administered by various levels of government. We owe the landowners our thanks and must respect their property.
7 miles south of Baudette at trail junction.
On the Floyd Olson Trail up to Rocky Point and Long Point.
20 miles south on the LOW / Beltrami County line.
10 miles south of Pitt at trail junction.
Approximately 35 miles SE of town.
Located on Garden Island
Between Williams and Baudette