MTT. Minnesota Tournament Trail
NWT. National Walleye Tour
AIM. Angler’s Insight Marketing
Chili Bowl, Border View Lodge
Arnesen’s, Summer Tournament
River Bend Resort, Ladies tournament
Zippel Bay Resort, Northern Pike Tournament
Located very close to the Pine to Prairie Birding Trail which is a unique partnership between the NW Minnesota communities of Detroit Lakes, Fergus Falls, Pelican Rapids, Roseau, Thief River Falls, & Warroad. Bird-watching has become a national obsession and is one of the country’s fastest growing hobbies. Lake of the Woods County is recognized statewide as a bird watcher’s paradise. Almost 300 species of birds nest here and can be seen and heard in any season of the year. Several national tour agencies list the county as one of the hotspots for people who watch birds as a hobby. A very unique way to observe birds on Lake of the Woods is by boat. Along shorelines you will find Canadian Geese, Tundra Swans, Great Blue Herons, Mallards and Common Loons. Double-crested Cormorants, and four species of gulls and terns can be found on the many islands that dot the lake. The Lake of the Woods are is one of only three places in Minnesota that the American White Pelican will nest. Pine and Curry Islands host the endangered Piping Plover and have been designated a state Scientific and Natural Area. Migrating Waterfowl migrate in the spring and fall months. This list includes Lesser and Greater Scaup, Ring-necked Ducks, Teal, American Widgeon, Pintails, and mergansers. Some will stay and nest in the surrounding wetlands and WMA’s (Wildlife Management Area’s) near the lake. Included in the birds of prey list are the Bald Eagle, Osprey, Northern Harrier, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Red Tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, Merlin, Peregrine Falcon, and Turkey Vulture. The sight of a Great Gray or Snowy Owl, Sandhill Crane, or crow-sized Pileated Woodpecker is a thrill for any bird lover. Spring’s ambassador is the Red Wing Blackbird, followed by sparrows, warblers, robins, vireos, orioles and humming birds. Their activities and song continue into late fall. Dropping temperatures bring northern birds such as Junco and Snow Bunting as short term guests. To order a free birding brochure and a county-wide checklist Click Here or call 1-800-382-FISH. Also, check out www.birding-minnesota.com or check out the MNDNR birding lists!