MTT. Minnesota Tournament Trail
NWT. National Walleye Tour
AIM. Angler’s Insight Marketing
Chili Bowl, Border View Lodge
Arnesen’s, Summer Tournament
River Bend Resort, Ladies tournament
Zippel Bay Resort, Northern Pike Tournament
Now is the time for ice fishing! What a great time of the year. Holiday celebrations are over, families come and go, food preparation is all done with and yet, now is one of the greatest times to experience Lake of the Woods.
We have been experiencing negative temperatures in this northland and yet the beauty of winter is amazing. Now the average person might groan and whine a bit, but at Lake of the Woods the most common comment is, “We are making ice!”
People from many states flock to this area to try their hand at fishing through “hard water” or ice fishing. The lake is an incredible village of hundreds if not a couple thousand fish houses. One state represented in my family is Illinois.
Yes, Chicago showed up for Christmas and as tradition has it, it’s time to go ice fishing. They hooked up with one of our local fish house proprietors and off they
Lake of the Woods is known as the Walleye Capital of the World™. It is a world-renowned fishery and according to statistics from the MN DNR at Lake of the Woods, our fishery is more than healthy even though many pounds of fish are harvested each year. Lake of the Woods is the largest fresh water lake next to the Great Lakes in the US. It supports many species of fish and keeps the excitement brimming as anglers drop their lines in.
The guides at Lake of the Woods are a very diligent sort and hats are off to those who get up in the wee hours of the morning to do those duties. Overnight guests in sleeper fish houses are checked on throughout the night, as well as day houses keep the guides busy checking on their customers. What a task! Temperatures may
A day trip might find customers using a larger fish house equipped with a gas range and yes, even a bathroom! Yes!! (Ladies take note of that!!) As a group approaches the fish houses they often are able to see an incredible sunrise, complete with sun dogs around the sun, or a moon just setting. They also see ATVs, Snowmobiles, Wheelhouses and all kinds of equipment that makes up the population of the ice village.
Anglers will find themselves brought out onto the lake by bombardiers driven by an experienced guide onto a well-kept ice road going through a bay and up over an island to the “big lake”. Soon that village of ice houses will come in sight and that indeed is a sight to behold!!
Lines are dropped in. Each person is allowed to fish two lines. Usually one is left laying on the ice with a bobber or just with a hook and this is called a dead stick. The technique is to bait your lure with a minnow and let it drop until you feel bottom Then with an up and down motion, you start to “jig” and wait for a tug on the line. “Set the hook” with a great upward motion and pull in whatever was at the end of the line.
The catch was on!! Excitement?!?!? Yes, groups often travel over 800 miles for family, Christmas and now an exciting day on the ice. Everyone catches fish and that night a walleye/sauger meal can be enjoyed by letting your favorite lodging facility fix up your catch with great sides.
Let me invite you to come to Lake of the Woods to have the same great ice fishing experience. I promise you that you will have stories to tell for years to come. The lake is beautiful when frozen and the city of houses that are out there is amazing. Please applaud the ones who make this sport accessible to all peoples whether experienced or not.
For more information on lodging or ice fishing contact our website at: www.lakeofthewoodmn.com/lodging.
See our FaceBook page at: www.facebook.com/lakeofthewoodmn