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Many Benefits to Snowmobile Lake of the Woods

It’s that time of year where snowmobile riders start getting that itch again to get out on the snow and ride. Now is the snowmobile time to start making plans to do so. Lake of the Woods and surrounding communities offer miles upon miles of riding trails for snowmobilers. Plenty of lodging makes staying and playing easy to be accommodated with. As of this writing, there is no snow on the ground but that just gives snowmobilers extra time to groom their machines.sleeper fish house border view lodge 12

Enjoy hundreds of miles of connected groomed trails. Our trails are true wilderness trails, as there is less than 5 miles of ditch riding on our trail system. Trails go as far up as the Northwest Angle, as far west as Warroad, south to Waskish and as far east as Big Falls and north up to International Falls.

To the west our trail system hooks up to the Roseau County groomed trails, as well as Kittson County groomed trails and on into North Dakota. To the south we hook up to Beltrami Island State Forest Trails, as well as hundreds of miles of logging trails.

Snowmobile Trail

Northwest Angle and Island areas are accessible from Lake of the Woods or the Can-Am Trail by snowmobile. To the east, the Northern Connection hooks up to the groomed Voyageur Trail West and Arrowhead Trail. Our area is unique by having Lake of the Woods and Rainy River, which both provide ample ice riding.

This area is very fortunate to have two dealers offering two very famous brands of snow machines. These machines are not only durable but are set up with some of the most impressive features for pleasurable riding. Polaris Industries is located in Roseau, a neighboring community, where snowmobiles are produced and shipped all over the country. Artic Cat is also produced and distributed in a nearby town and dealerships are available in Baudette.

We are also fortunate to have two great snowmobile clubs who not only ride for fun, but work very hard at maintaining trails and bridges before the season starts and grooming many many miles of trails throughout the season.

drifters logo Lake of the Woods Drifters Snowmobile Club is located in Lake of the Woods County. They are a very active club and have their own website at and FaceBook page at You can also contact them at Each of those sites will provide you with great current information about the trails and great photos that the club has taken. The Northern Connection Trail is very famous as it was carved out of the forest area going east and south of Baudette.

NW Angle Edge Riders Groomer

Lake of the Woods Drifters is a non profit community organization that welcomes members at any time. They also own and maintain shelters throughout the trails to warm up or stop to have lunch and fellowship on the ride. The Club produces a great snow map which is available through the club or through requesting one from Lake of the Woods Tourism. There are over 273 miles of groomed trails to offer adventure through this winter wonderland.

Further north in Lake of the Woods County at the northernmost part of the United States you will find the home of the Northwest Angle Edge Rider Snowmobile Club. Their website is: There you will find information about the club, about snow conditions, trail conditions, club events, and even places to stay at Angle Inlet. Their FaceBook page is edgeriders logo

This snow club proudly proclaims they groom over 172 miles of trail during the season. As of this writing,  they state that they are “chomping at the bit” to get out onto the frozen waters of Lake of the Woods and travel many many miles over the frozen waters. This Snow Club stakes trails and produces a great snow map of trails throughout the lake, up to Oak and Flag Island and even into the Canadian part of the lake. The map even features depths of the lake which even open water anglers find very helpful.

This club also hosts a great event during the winter season. Every year they host an Annual Northwest Angle Edge Riders Snowmobile Rally from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Flag Island. Food, fun, and door prizes will be available. Keep posted for the 2024 date of this great event.

For more information see our website at:

For lodging information see:

See Lake of the Woods Face Book page here:

You can also download the official Snowmobile Regulations at the MN DNR Website.

Click Here for an interactive snowmobile map from the MN DNR


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